
Freckles are us

Life's like that!

I had put the appointment off for ages. It wasn’t until a work colleague came back from her recent dermatologist appointment with news of 2 basal cell carcinomas (BCC) on her face that I picked up the phone and booked myself an appointment.

The Skin Clinic. I was able to get in the next day so I took the appointment.

Being a fair and very freckly redhead growing up in Australia wasn’t an ideal combination. This fair colouring due to my Scottish and German grandparents. The redhead jokes at school were nothing compared to the sunburns and blisters on my shoulders and back that I had as a child. I remember every Summer would start the same with that first bad sunburn and after that the subsequent ones didn’t hurt as much. We did wear sunscreen but it was such a low sun protection rating, I think SPF 12 from…

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Who are the Canberra Day Kelpies?

My new children’s book is now available.

Tilly and Banjo, the Canberra Day Kelpies, tells the adventure of two sheep dogs running free on the day that the name of the national capital of Australia was announced.

Targeting children from years 3 – 5 in primary school, the story aims to engage young children in the historical impact of the naming day. You can learn more here, and even order a copy of the book!

Life gets in the way of Life with a blackdog

I’ve been an absentee blogger, sadly.  Real life got in the way in the form of a new job – my first real full time role in 15 years. Yes, having children was a choice and it meant changes and compromises and I’m pretty happy with the results – two beautiful children who I can say bring me joy every day.

But getting back on the chain gang has been a challenge. The life logistics got even more complicated – who needed to be where when and with what packed in a bag?  Evening meals got more simple (simpler?) – being a very plain cook, I wasn’t sure that was possible, but it was. Food as fuel.

The dog has continued to be walked of course, but starting the job mid-winter has meant very little time for wider forays into the public art scene in Canberra.  Now that spring is upon us though and the days are longer, I have plans to get out amongst it all again.  That’s a promise I will try to keep!

In the meantime, here are some pics of our adventures, some close by, some a bit further away.

garden dog Letterbox Seed pods  Suburban swing Tilly and the banksia rosesShoes make a pillow

Who you callin' a dummy (One of these dogs is not a statue!)